~Water is beautiful, powerful, useful, and inspiring~
Consider this hydronomical thought:
When you touch Water, you connect with the Totality of the Water of this Earth since its birth~Water circulating and recycling through evaporation, rain, steam, snow, ice, hail, clouds, oceans, seas, rivers, streams, creeks, glaciers, icebergs, aquifers, springs, oases, arroyos, fjords, lakes, ponds, puddles, tanks, blood, sweat and tears...
When experiencing Water, you connect with all the Earth, Sky and life forms upon, over, under & through which Water perpetually circulates and changes form, phases, uses and expressions~
Then follow the human flows of Water through the supply streams of your material world: clean, safe drinking water, power production, agriculture, food & beverages, general services, paper products, wastewater treatment, manufactured goods, technology, recreation, home living, etc:
the countless, immeasurable ways Water contributes to the functionality, convenience, sustenance, health, safety, beauty, hygiene, enjoyment and maintenance of your World--and its 55-62% composition of your own Body~
Clean, Safe, Plentiful Water depends on us~
...and is especially critical in areas of drought.
In the Spirit of Earth stewardship, a lifestyle audit can find ways to use less Water. Consider skipping a car wash, a shower, a toilet flush, an irrigation cycle or make larger loads of laundry. Scooping the rinse Water from conventional washing machines brings recycled relief to thirsty plants, shrubs & Trees.
Together, let's do "small things with great Love"~!*
Water Wisdom is a No Click-Bait Zone
Copyright 2011-2024+Now
Water Wisdom: Using Water Wisely ©
Water is the Fabric of Life ©
H2OXO. org & H2Om.info
All rights reserved by Anne Marie,
who is not active on any form of social media.
Flowing from Central Texas~